Booster Minutes 8/19/24
Attendance: Amy Sullivan, Katie Murphy, Carrie Berger, Rachelle Noah, Jen Dicke, Kelly Grubb
Not Present: Wally Atmore, Jamee Flaherty
Meeting called to order at 7:01pm
Motion made to approve minutes by Amy, seconded by Kelly. Minutes approved.
Night at the Races 11/9 - chosen due to location availability
Tabled elections to next month due to attendance -
Open positions - president, vice president and membership.
Katie interested in vice president, which would open secretary.
Wally - plans to stay on to manage parking, then relinquish position
Vote to take sign sponsorship position out of bylaws - no longer board elected, no voting rights - will change bylaws
Sign sponsorship -
Lower field Scoreboard signage full - will restart sponsorships for 2025 season.
All other signage will be fresh sponsorship with yearly contract, partnering with Ads
All sold via google form
Team wishlist - having difficulty with payment links and slow ordering process from headlines
Title IX - no meetings yet
Pending follow-up:
Vice-President: no one in this position
Social Media:
Will post all sign ups on website and facebook
All parking sold out and paid
Almost sold out of Red Reserved seating
Few payments outstanding, will be collected by next meeting.
Parking spot and seating awarded to Brittany Murphy who won at Gala
Tigerzone: rachelle - texted
YTD 20,133 with 2 more openings this month, on track with previous years
HS open house - need helpers
Current open projects - MS FB gear, Girls soccer hoodies, Alumni cheer tees
Donations YTD -
XC 3717, Boys golf 1800, boys soccer 1750, girls soccer 800, volleyball 6735
Still struggling with construction issues -
Strong smells, no AC, continued dust, lack of workroom (likely not back until NOV)
Going to change candy to $2.
Receipt for Jen's Computer - school said they would do it, but didn't - purchased computer for volunteer position
Meeting with Pepsi and Justin Wednesday at 1pm in viewing room
Big grill is non-functional - two 4 burner grills purchased to replace at $250 each; instead of > $1000 for an 8 burners - voted on and approved, ordered for delivery this week
Requesting silicone mats from amazon to cover grills when not in use - approved
Wants to look for wire cart for extra counter space/storage in concession.
Moonrise will do fresh donuts on-site - will work with them for options
Kona will continue to come, Tom's coffee when it is cold.
Wants to get warmer for pizza moved to football concession as an option.
Need new signage for concession - looking for options to allow for updating menu
First home game - Campbell County Aug 30th
Still finishing up tally of all helpers from last year
Volunteer sign ups for coaches/teams weekly has been filled for fall - 100%
This week is covered by girls basketball; softball working on link for next week
Working list of all coaches/team parent representatives almost completed, for concessions/night at the races/media
New bowling coach excited to help - took 2 weeks for her team
Girls golf coach being proactive
Concessions/Tigerzone - asked to communicate needs - how many needed, etc
Spreadsheet created of all home games - all teams, sports, etc.
links created - will send to Kelly to upload to website, etc
document created to help next people create links
Not present - will provide updates next month.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:29pm.
Next Meeting: Monday September 16, 7pm Viewing Room