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March Minutes

Attendance: Amy Sullivan, Katie Murphy, Wally Atmore, Carrie Berger, Jamee Flaherty, Kelly Grubb, Rachelle Noah, Jen DickeNot Present: noneMeeting called to order at 7:08pm  Special Presentation - EDGE Program - Stephanie Layton present to explain what the EDGE program is and why it is important.  Tigerzone and Athletic Boosters being asked to partner with classes on challenges to help with real life learning experiences.  Discussed mini "bat" designs project we have partnered with 5th grade seminar class to work on.  Stephanie looking for feedback regarding how much we want to commit to be a part of projects moving forward. President:  Warm ups - work in progress, has not given out spring teams yet, plan to have done in next 2-3 weeks, has heard back from every team, should be less neededBrad and Brook Edwards want to meet and re-eval plans for their money next year as they made another $10,000 donation at the end of 2023 calendar year.Not sure who we will partner with moving forward (school board has been the past 3 years), now having conversations with Carol Beirne with AlumniQuestions to find out: is BSN still the contracted product provider?Scholarships information has been distributed, info has gone to counselors and coaches and social media.Discussion of how scholarships are judged in the future.Elections - President, Vice President, Membership, Sign Membership all open.Ask Ryan to send out Booster Election info out?Everyone share and ask people to get involved.Purchase Updates -Swim and Dive -State jackets purchased and delivered - $1104Requesting $523 (meet fees), $137.50 (swim caps) +$99 for logo, $452.73 (team dinner) - still less than the $3150 approved in July, check to be writtenArchery -Tennis (boys/girls)Softball - Shed for concessions was delivered last week, first week of home games we did get some complaints about concession not being available.  Social media generic apology post sent out today and email sent to softball team explaining plan to get Shed up and running.Alumni Gala - April 12 - Boosters need to fill a table, Kelly and Jen will fill the tablePending follow-up:Sign SponsorshipsSmugMug -2025 NATRContinue to push out election info Vice-President: no one in this position  Social Media:WIX cost increased, not the most user friendly - will look at SquareSpace as another option?Will continue to push out election and scholarship infoWants to work on finding out information about all the teams, getting connected with coaches/team parents/etc. Membership: Nothing currentlyPlanning to ramp up for next year Tigerzone: All tigerzone workroom stuff has been moved toRevenue for the year down due to no football championship apparelACT shirts done, asked to do PowderPuff -New ways to make revenue - presale, but delivery/pick up is a possibility?, beginning of school year spirit pack, sports specific presalesWould an intern be possible for next school year Concessions: CokePayments are not working, worked with Jamee and got it figured out, all paid upRequest to have coke cooler moved and to get a new coke cooler for softball shedLeslie Fields won class party for ice cream at NATR, and trying to get it done around noon, going to offer ice cream cups/popsicles as ice cream is not very doable at this point. Rachelle will continue coordinate with parent and teacher (Michelle White)Wifi needed for the credit card machine, how do we do baseball/softball/football since people want to do credit cardsSoftball concessions - what is needed?Warmer that is big enough of pizza boxes, going to brainstorm other optionsKeys will be delivered Treasurer:  $145607 at the end of 2/2024Orders caught up on as above per President's reportConcessions $1570 profit this far this year, have had several repair costs and new equipment purchased Meeting Adjourned at 9:58pm. 

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Boosters minutes July

Attendance: Amy Sullivan, Katie Murphy, Carrie Berger , Kelly Grubb, Rachelle Noah, Jen Dicke, Jamee Flaherty Not Present: Wally Atmore...


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